Agric. Snr. Records Officer Retires After 36 Years of Service in Gov’t

By Fatou B. Cham

The Ministry of Agriculture wishes to announce the retirement of Mrs. Mai Dibba, Senior Records Officer effective 28th of November 2022.

Mai started working for the Government on the 2nd of December 1986 as a Records Clerk. She worked with seven ministries during her tenure, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Gender &Social welfare, the Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to the Senior Records Officer, working with different permanent Secretaries with different ways of administration has been a great experience for her.

She further thanked the Government of The Gambia and her family, especially her husband for their patience and support, adding that being a wife, a mother and an employee has been challenging.