Editorial: Jambur Project: Giant Step Towards Universal Access to Clean Energy

Our planet is in peril thanks to an environment lacerated by some reckless actions of humans.  The impact of environmental degradation and anthropogenic climate change is being felt right across the world; hence the global call for a concerted effort to save our wilting planet. For decades now there have been calls for people to maintain sustainable ways of living, and ensure responsible use of the natural resources so succeeding generations can inherit a well-preserved planet.


However, one key sector where the call for reforms and transformation is loud is the energy sub-sector. The call has been for a transition from fossil fuels, which are believed to be responsible for the lion share of the atmospheric pollution and destruction of the ozone layers, major factors of climate change, into clean energy.


With the initiation of the Jambur Solar plant project, which foundation stone was laid by the President of the Republic His Excellency Adama Barrow in the weekend , The Gambia has demonstrated its commitment to contributing to creating and maintaining a  safe, and sustainable planet. The 27 Million Dollar project is said to be part of the restoration, transformation and modernisation efforts of the country’s energy system, while providing reliable, accessibly, and affordable electricity to the people.


We therefore commend the government for this bold step towards protecting the planet while ensuring universal access to electricity in the country.


Additionally, the fact that government has formulated a National Strategic Roadmap, 2021-2024, that aimed at attaining universal energy access by 2025 and transforming The Gambia electricity sub-sector, is indeed a laudable stride worth emulating by other countries, especially major polluters – the industrialized world.


The implementers of this gigantic project are therefore called upon to execute the project successfully.