Gambia Hosts ICDT Investment Forum on the Sidelines of OIC Summit

by Mariatou Ngum

Following the editions of Dakar and Nouakchott, Banjul plays host to the 3rd Invest Days’ organized by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) in collaboration with The Gambia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (GiEPA). The 2-day forum, which commenced on Thursday, May 2nd, is being held at the Kairaba Beach Hotel.

Organised on the sidelines of the 15th Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Heads of State and Governments Summit, the event constitutes a platform for the promotion and development of investment among OIC Member States.

The objective of the Banjul forum is to promote The Gambia as an investment destination and to present the main investment opportunities to the investors of the OIC member countries; and to encourage the development of economic and commercial partnerships between OIC member countries.

The high-level meeting shed light on new investment opportunities in The Gambia and reinforced economic relations between this country and the 56 other member countries of the OIC.

Various economic actors including the public and private investment actors, investment promotion agencies, employers’ federations, professional associations, bankers, and insurers participated in the forum.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, the country’s Trade Minister, Hon. Baboucarr O. Joof, had this to say about The Gambia’s trade agenda: “At the forefront of The Gambia's economic agenda lies a steadfast government commitment to fostering an environment conducive to trade development”.

According to him, this cannot be achieved in the absence of investment in key productive sectors that generate goods and services.

Recognising the pivotal role that private sector engagement plays in driving economic growth and job creation, Minister Joof noted that the government has implemented a comprehensive policy and strategy framework aimed at facilitating investment, stimulating export growth, and nurturing a dynamic and resilient business ecosystem.

“My Ministry has a well-directed national investment, employment, and other relevant policies that will guide and protect your investments in The Gambia,” he noted.

‘‘Central to our investment promotion efforts,’’ he disclosed, ‘‘is the unwavering commitment to provide investors with a conducive and investor-friendly environment’’.

The Trade minister told participants that through targeted policy interventions and regulatory reforms, they have streamlined bureaucratic processes, reduced red tape, and enhanced transparency to instill confidence and attract investment across diverse sectors in an emerging democratic society anchored on a capitalist economic model.

The ICDT is a subsidiary organ of OIC entrusted with developing trade and investment among the Member States.