MECCNAR Organises Retreat to Access ERDP Project

                                                             By Kumba Leigh & Fatou Sanneh

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources through the Environment and Resilience Development Project (ERDP) recently organised a four-day planning retreat to develop the 2023 work plan and budget, measure progress and successes, challenges faced during implementation, and proffer solutions.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum at a local hotel in Bakau, the Permanent Secretary at the  Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, Mr. Alieu Njie, highlighted that the retreat is key part of the implementation mechanism of the ERDP project, under the Ministry of Environment.

He reminded that the ERDP retreat has been happening since 2019, and serves as a mechanism to improving coordination, and enhancing sector performance. He said over the years, it has evolved to become a tool for mutual accountability, transparency, implementation for development partners’ efficiency, and effectiveness, and the use of resources to maximise benefits for the Gambian people, and communities.

PS Njie affirmed that the aim of the retreat is to assess performance, and improve implementation. He stated that the 2023 plans will entail mutual accountability between government partners and all stakeholders, identify bottlenecks hindering the successful implementation of project.

He said such an activity will help provide a common understanding by all stakeholders and in identifying gaps that will result to finding recommendations for effective implementation.

PS Njie further noted that the activity will bring transformational change, most especially on developmental gain, and take meaningful steps to zero hunger, poverty and build lasting peace, and prosperity that will be supported by sustainable management of the natural resources and the environment, and ensure green economic growth.

He argued that in the absence of modern energy, biomass for cooking and hitting is often collected in an unsustainable manner, and burnt in inefficient cooking stoves contributing to land degradation, and emitting black carbon.

Mrs. Mariama NdowJarjue, Project Coordinator, ERDP advised the stakeholders to work hand in hand, share ideas and complement each other’s effort for the successful implementation of the project.

PS Njie extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to UNDP and the development partners for their financial support.

The 4-day retreat saw the presentations of the activities of this year, group discussions, development of budget and work plan for next year.