MoHERST Launches National Strategy for Digitalisation of TVET

By Mahzouba Maya Faal



The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology in partnership with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) recently launched the National Strategy for the Digitalisation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in The Gambia. This is done through the Pan African Initiative for Digital Transformation of TVET and Skills Development in Africa.

In his speech, the Minister of MoHERST, Professor Pierre Gomez, thanked UNESCO, African Union Development Agency and other partners for conceptualising this laudable initiative of transforming TVET in Africa through digitalisation.

Hon. Gomez went on to inform the gathering that when the Pan African Initiative was launched a year ago, the former Minister of Higher Education, now Vice President of The Gambia, was among seven other ministers across the continent to attend the launching. Later on, the Director of Tertiary and Higher Education and Principal Higher Education Officer of MoHERST participated in both online and in-person training workshops held in Dakar, Senegal. It was after the regional training workshops that an official letter of intent was written by MoHERST to UNESCO to develop a national strategy for the digitalisation of TVET and skills development system for The Gambia. This strategy forms Pillar 5 of the National TVET policy of The Gambia: ‘Harnessing the benefits of the digital era for building a quality and competitive workforce’.

Hon. Prof. Gomez confirms his unwavering support for the successful implementation of this initiative and endorses the National Technical Team led by the two Permanent Secretaries of MoHERST and MoBSE; supported by both the national and international experts.