Mothers Club, Others Sensitised on STEM

By Samsideen Ceesay



Senior Gender Officer at the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE), Madam Isatou Jallow has urged stakeholders to support women and girls in the acquisition of livelihood and digital skills in The Gambia.

The Gender Focal Point at MoBSE made these remarks on Monday, 5th December 2022, at a forum on the popularisation of stem and digital skills education and sexual and Gender Based Violence through Training of Girls and orientation of Mothers Clubs and Cluster Monitors, held at the conference hall of Region Four Educational Directorate in Mansakonko, Lower River Region.

The activity, organised by the Gender Education Unit of MoBSE and funded by UNESCO NaTCOM was attended by at least 20 participants drawn from the members of the Mothers Club and Cluster Monitors in LRR, CRR and URR.

The objective of the activity was to sensitise girls on the importance of Mathematics and Sciences in career development, expose them to the use of some scientific and digital equipment and also enhance their understanding on Sexual and Gender Based Violence as well as to further create a platform for experience sharing in the disclosure and management of sexual harassment in both schools and communities in the country.

Mrs. Jallow explained that the enrolment, retention and completion rate of girls at basic education levels is 82%, out of which a small number of girls specialised in mathematics and science-related areas.

She noted that the emergence of digital technology makes girls vulnerable members in the society and therefore, needs protection from sexual harassment and violence against women and girls to explore and reach their potentials in the future.

Mamodou G. Jallow, the Director at Region Four Educational Directorate in Mansakonko opined that some of the challenges affecting girls in STEM have to do with the assigned gender roles, drudgery on women and girls as well as distractions often faced by school going girls.

Mr. Modou Lamin Darbo, Senior Education Officer and Gender Focal Point said that the awareness creation on STEM would avail participants the opportunity to understand the significance of skills development in career building.