NBR Agro-ecology Platform Trains Farmers on Landscape Dev’t, Agro-forestry

By Alhagie Babou Jallow


The North Bank Region’s Agro-ecology Platform recently wrapped up a 4-day training of trainers’ workshop on management tools, Agro-ecology, Agro-forestry, landscape development, and land use.

The training aimed to provide farmers and Multidisciplinary Facilitation Teams on techniques and skills for promoting the concept of agro-ecology to boost food production.

The initiative forms part of the activities of the European Union funded-Green Economy Project through Action Against Hunger. The synergy was held at Njawara Agricultural Training Centre in the North Bank Region.

Aladji Diack, Country Coordinator, Food Security, and Livelihood Action Against Hunger under Green Economy Project described the training and field visit to the Peace Corps Master Farmer farm at Toroba, as crucial in providing opportunities to share best farm practices. He noted that agro-ecology can help to promote innovations that are environmentally friendly to enhance ecosystem.

Mr Diack stressed the need for massive actions to reduce deforestation through joint actions such as planting more trees along farm boundaries.

Mama Manneh, Executive Director of Njawara Agricultural Training Centre, thanked EU for supporting farmers to adopt best agronomic practices to sustainable farming practices and environmental protection for sustainable food and environmental security in communities.

He affirmed the need to build the capacities of farmers on agro-ecology practices in order to boost food production and restoration of forest cover, mitigate effects of climate change,  improve livelihood and promote adoption of best agronomic practices and environment protection.

Alpha Sey, Project Manager, Green Economy Project affirmed that the programme aims to harness the understanding of members and farmers to strengthen effective transfer of skills and knowledge on agroforestry, land use and landscape development. He said the lessons learnt on soil conservation practices through adoption of integrated agriculture should be promoted and enhanced.

As part of efforts to encourage farmers to conservation practices through agroforestry, Njawara Agricultural Training Centre and partners transferred appropriate skills to selected farmers on the benefits of agro ecology and restoration of degraded forest cover. 

MomodouLoum, Peace Corp Master Farmer of Toroba called on youths to take up agriculture in value integrated farm practices using organic manure and discourage the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides