New Minister Commits to Digital Economic Transformation - As he Embarks on Tour

By Lamin Kujabi


The Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, MCDE, Ousman A. Bah has begun familiarisation tour of institutions under his ministry.

Explaining the rationale of the tour as they set out on Friday, July 1st, the Permanent Secretary, Amie Njie Joof said it is meant to enhance good work relationship with stakeholders and will also avail the minister the opportunity to know what the institutions are doing and the challenges they face so that they can solve the issues together.

The Minister, who was sworn into office last week, said the creation of MCDE is to facilitate the country’s economic development and transformation from an industrial one to a digitally-driven economy. “This means now everything will be digital; transactions, payments, and all kinds of e-commerce, for a robust and efficient revenue generation system”.

He empathized that e-governance is one thing that will really drive the country to where it wants to be, in terms of ICT for development.

At the Gamtel and Gamcel, the Managing Director of Gamtel, Mr. LaminTunkara informed the Minister that government had come up with a turn-around policy to provide connection countrywide.

He also intimated that 60% of the revenue generated by Gamtel comes from the gateway and that they have set up data centres across the country for better service delivery. Due to the un- stable electricity supply, the MD said, the company decided to purchase a new generator to keep people connected onto their data at all times.

The General Manager of Gamcel, Mrs. Elizabeth Mendy Johnson said Gamcel has been confronted with a lot of challenges since it was established, admitting that the company is incapable of improving its operations in respect to technological advancement, upgrading, as well as expansion to meet countrywide coverage.

She however appealed for the ministry to support the state-owned GSM company to improve on its technological system.

In his reaction, Minister Bah recognised Gamtel and Gamcel’s great efforts amidst difficult circumstance, admitting that there are challenges that needs to tackled with immediately because the two institutions are very key under his ministry.

He however observed that they need to recruit young people, as most of the staff will be retiring from service in few years.

He assured of his ministry’s resolve to support these companies to improve and regain their lost glory.

The minister was accompanied by Permanent Secretary Amie Njie Joof, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Technical) Mr. Malang Bass and Director of Information and Communication Technology, Mr.Amadou Nyang.