Youth Minister Warns against Unjustifiable Implementation Delays -As he Inspects Upcountry Projects

By Lamarana S. Jallow



The provincial tour of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Bakary Y Badjie, and his team of senior officials of the ministry and line agencies, has progressed to the Central and Upper River Regions, where he has been inspecting ongoing youth and sports projects including mini stadia.

On day 2 of the tour, Friday July 1st, Minister Badjie and entourage visited several sites in the CRR, including Fula-Bantang, where a mini stadium is being constructed albeit delay in the work. The Minister wasted no time in expressing concern with the state of affairs. “The government has fulfilled her part of the contract but the contractor has not played their part as expected,” he observed.

The youth of the village who were on the ground also raised concern about the delay in the construction work and urged the Youth and Sports ministry to urgently intervene.

 Minister Badjie assured that his office will use all means available to ensure that the construction work is completed soon.

He urged contractors to execute their responsibilities as per signed agreements to avoid government taking legal actions against the defaulting contractors.

The delegation had earlier visited the Niamina Upper and Senior Secondary School, where ActionAid International The Gambia held a youth camp for youths from the various districts of Central River Region. According to the organisers of the camp, the event aimed to build a society with empowered women, youth and children. This in their opinion will ensure a society free from violence and injustices.

Honourable Badjie used the opportunity to thank the organisers for the initiative, noting that Government cannot do it all alone. He called on other NGOs to emulate ActionAid in educating the youth on their rights and responsibilities, for them to be better leaders.

The Minister and his team were also in Janjanbureh, Central River Region; and Diabugou, Upper River Region, to inspect the ongoing mini stadia constructions.

In Janjangbureh, Lamin Janneh, vice president of the Janjanbureh Sports Committee, expressed delight at the visit. He however highlighted various challenges they are facing in their engagements; especially now that the ‘Nawetan’ has commenced.

Musa Jarra and Lamin Sima, both youth coordinators of the regions, thanked the ministry for touring the regions, saying the tour is long overdue.

Other speakers included Mr Saikou K. Sanyang, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sports; Mr Marcel Mendy, Executive Director of the National Sports Council. They both urged the contractors to redouble their efforts and handover the mini stadia to the respective regions as soon as possible.

The executive committees of the respective regions took the minister and entourage on a tour of the football facilities, including the uncompleted change and referee rooms, and the administration offices.