GAF Conducts Inter-Battalion Drill Competition

By Fatou Sowe


The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) on Wednesday, 21st December 2022, held an intensive Inter-Battalion Drill Competition at the Fajara Barracks Drill Square.

The event was the culmination point of a long and onerous planning by the board tasked with the organisation of the event and all the participating troops. It was part of steps taken by the Office of the CDS in its efforts to reform and transform the GAF. It was meant to keep military personnel in shape and foster camaraderie which was last conducted by the GAF over a decade ago.

The participants competed in different categories of drill. The preliminary inspection consisted of initial assessment of the different participating battalions on how they wear their berets in accordance with military standard; boot lacing and shining nature; wearing of combat belts; the standard sleeve rolling; hanging threads on uniforms; mufflers; ranks, etcetera.

The Quarter Guard Drills; 40 Rifle Drill Movements at the Halt per minute and Squad Drills formed the basis of assessment. These and many more are synchronized drills and movements that are synonymous with the daily activities of the average soldier. A panel of judges was also constituted, consisting of very seasoned retired members of GAF together with some well-experienced Regimental Sergeant Majors (RSM).

Drill and ceremonies play a major role in every soldier’s military experience; hence the primary importance of drill is to prepare troops for combat by rapidly carrying out orders. And drill has since been synonymous with military ceremonies as they continue to go hand-in-hand. In a more specific term during ceremonies, troops align in various formations and carry out commands with uniform precision.

Drilling continues to hold many advantages and therefore is still used in training. One of the most notable benefits is fitness. Repeated, intense exercise, paired with the pressure and encouragement of performing alongside others, makes drill a useful part of keeping soldiers in shape. Like fitness and discipline, drill encourages unit cohesion.

Overall, the drill system has been seen to have worked. Soldiers continue to stay together and could be commanded as a group. These days, the military drill is mostly used for military ceremonies, and to instill pride and discipline during military training such as basic training as well as for symphony-like displays during military parades.

In his speech marking the commencement of the event, the CDS Lieutenant General Yakuba A.Drammeh gave a brief background of the event, noting that sometime during the course of the year, his office convened a board to look into revitalising this traditional military event which is the basic foundation of military regimentation and discipline. He said this while stating the significance of the Inter-Battalion Drill Competition noting it should not be seen as a prize-winning event for participating units, rather an avenue to develop teamwork, skills and dexterity relating directly or indirectly to the daily routine of the average soldier and rating.

He further posited that the competition will afford GAF personnel the unique opportunity to meet and interact amicably in an atmosphere of camaraderie, esprit de corps, mutual respect and above all inter-service harmony and cooperation.  The GAF Chief stressed that it is through such activities that collaboration, coordination and standardisation of practices among the three services of GAF can be enhanced.

Lieutenant General Drammeh used the occasion to talk about the contemporary security challenges facing the nation and also the need for that synergy between the country’s security outfits in dealing with such situations.

“There is the realisation that the contemporary security challenges facing us today as a nation are more complex, cross-cutting and multifaceted than ever before. In order to counter these new threats to our nation’s security, there is the need for greater collaboration and cooperation among the security services. When it comes to national security, no single service has monopoly of response to effectively and comprehensively deal with the threats but a concerted effort is required,’’ he stressed.

The Chief Guest of honuor in his keynote address noted that he was thrilled by the magnificent display of well-rehearsed talents that was exhibited. He said synchronisation of movements, the spectacular display of troops on parade, the formations adopted during the competition and the level of perfection of the skills displayed lend credence to the huge professional transformation that unfolded in The Gambia Armed Forces over the years. 

Thus, he commended the Chief of Defence Staff and the leadership of the GAF for the revitalisation of professionalism and high ethical standards that the GAF is well known for. However, he noted that in a competition of this nature, there is no winner or loser; that the event is purely intended to create a platform where participants will have the opportunity to showcase their respective talents and the opportunity to learn from each other to perfect their talents both individually and collectively. 

After going through the three intense phases designed specifically for the event, points were collated on the appearance of the troops, comportment and execution of the various phases of the competition and a winner emerged.

Guards Battalion known to many as Fajara Barracks and also Depot in the Field Force days emerged the winner and they were awarded a giant trophy with a handsome and whooping prize of D100, 00. HE the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Adama Barrow and the Ministry of Defence both presented a plaque to the winning team. One Infantry Battalion emerged second and was given D75, 000 with a trophy and Four Infantry Battalion came out third and was awarded a trophy with D50, 000. The rest of the participants were given a consolation prize of D10, 000 each. The event ended in a musical fanfare and jubilation by the winning teams.

The occasion was also graced by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Rohie Bittaye Darboe; GAF Service Commanders; representatives of Sister Service Chiefs and a host of dignitaries and friends of the GAF.