Ministry of Gender, Partners Conduct Tree Planting Exercise in NBR

By SamsideenCeesay



The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, Governor’s Office North Region and Department of Forestry in Kerewan organized a tree planting exercise in North Bank Region.

Hon. Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare, Madam Fatou Kinteh, said that the adverse effect of climate change is a global phenomenon and Gambia is no exception.  She added in a bid to reduce the impact of climate change   more trees should be planted to restore our depleted  forest cover  to save the  environment from degrading further. Adding that its against  that this tree planting  exercise is being   conducted in the communities of Saaba, Dobo and Kuntair.

“We are doing this exercise for women and children, since they are the most vulnerable in terms of climate related hazards. My ministry will continue to embark on  similar tree planting exercise in other regions to ensure that our quest for environmental restoration and ecosystem management is achieved,’’ she noted.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender Children and Social Welfare, Madam Ndey Marie Njie emphasized that women can play a crucial role in combating Climate Change. She said that as women are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, her ministry will explore all necessary means to reduce the effects of climate change.

“As a Ministry coordinating Gender and Women Empowerment Issues in the country, equipping women with timely climate hazard related information will promote their participation and enhance their resilience to curtail future climate related eventualities,’’ she added.

Lamin Saidykhan, the Governor of NBR, expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the launching of the tree planting exercise in his region

He emphasized the need to protect the forest cover to enhance the lives and livelihoods of the communities.

Aji Gas Lowe, Lady Councilor pointed out that everyone should be an advocate for sound environmental protection and management, noting that the significance and timeliness of this important tree planting exercise with the aim of ensuring a greener environment cannot be overemphasized

Aji DEA Sawaneh, the chairperson of the National Women Council said that climate change is a reality and “we should be cognizant of the fact that its adverse effect and its consequences have a great burden on our livelihoods’’, she said.

Ousman Jarju, Regional Forestry Officer for NBR expressed concern over the level of tree felling in The Gambia, particularly in NBR. He added  illegal logging has a devastating consequence on the envioroment   and challenged participants to be conscious of the effects of indiscriminate logging.

The activity was marked    by  statements from stakeholders and songs on the effects of climate change by various traditional communicators.