MoHERST, Sierra Leone Higher Education Ministry Sign MoU

By Mahzouba Maya Faal


The Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST), Professor Pierre Gomez, and a delegation from his ministry and Gambia College have concluded their visit to Sierra Leone. The Minister was following up on the series of consultations and visits initiated by his predecessor and Gambia College management, to understudy the transformation processes undergone by colleges in Sierra Leone to degree awarding institutions (i.e Milton Margai Technical University, Freetown Polytechnic, Njala University, etc.).

The trip culminated into the signing of a general framework of cooperation agreement between the two governments.

The purpose of the visit was to learn from Sierra Leone’s transition drive and realistic reforms over the years. The visit availed the Honorable Minister and delegation the opportunity to meet heads of institutions and share with them the Ministry’s drive in transforming Gambia College School of Education to a university of education.

On Wednesday 15th June, 2022 the two ministers signed a memorandum of understanding between the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Technical and Higher Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology of The Gambia (MoHERST). The initiative is meant to avail both countries the opportunity to share and explore higher and tertiary education opportunities in various fields of interest.

The MoU covers the following key areas:

1. Joint activities on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education.

2. Encourage cooperation in the following areas, in particular:

(i) the exchange of information regarding their respective educational systems and policies to assist in ongoing education reform and facilitate the recognition of each other’s study programmes, certificates, diplomas, degrees, and other academic qualification in technical and vocational education and training and higher education;

(ii) the exchange and professional development of officials, academics, experts, TVET tutors and students;

(iii) collaboration amongst education institutions of both countries in joint delivery and research programmes and publications, including the exchange of research materials, publications and educational literature;

(iv) collaboration in joint conferences, exhibition and symposia on matters of mutual interest;

(v)           students from one country attending institutions of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education shall pay the local tuition fees in the country of study in the public education institutions;

(vi)          collaborate in the field of library services and studies, sharing of research facilities (laboratories) and other specialized programmes, and capacity building on higher education, and

(vii)         other forms of cooperation in mutually determined and targeted areas.