MoIN, Deaf Muslim Federation Sign MoU to Promote Sign Language

By Awa DK Conteh


The Global Deaf Muslim Federation has expressed intention to start an online sign language course and basic Islamic knowledge in The Gambia.

Professor Muhammad Atif Amin Al Hussaini is the Chairman of the Pakistani Community in West Africa and coordinator of the Global Deaf Muslim Federation. Giving a brief description of the initiative during an interview with Gambia Daily, Professor Al Hussaini affirmed that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Information and the Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) to start a weekly symbolic language to virtually train all deaf people around the world and for GRTS do a sign language interpretation of news headlines.

“GRTS will convey news to all deaf people around the world through its YouTube and TV channels,” he stated.

He further informed that with the support and partnership of the Global Muslim Federation they will conduct two lecture sessions in a week.

Professor Al Hussaini said that part of their aim is to unite all the hard-of-hearing Muslims around the world and to identify their needs, and their problems in sign language, so that they can take part in all kinds of events.

He said the Imam Ratib of Banjul also assured them that they will be involving the hard-of-hearing in Friday sermons and other events in Banjul.

The chairman thanked the Ministry of Information and GRTS for their support to the initiative.