President Leads Maiden Edition of Reinitiated ‘Set Settal’

The President H.E Adama Barrow has urged Gambians to massively embrace the national cleansing day declared by his government to enhance environmental cleanliness and good health. He was speaking in Serrekunda where he joined scores of volunteers  to clean the streets and gutters of KM. The President is confident that Gambians will respond to this national call which is purely voluntary to keep a clean and conducive environment for a healthy living.

At West Field, the President was received by the Mayor of the Kanifing Municipality Talib Ahmed  Bensouda and  several high ranking government officials including ministers, and  security service chiefs, while soldiers pearheaded the initiative at the Westfield intersection.

Speaking to reporters at Churchills Town President Barrow described the initiative as an important undertaking that will greatly improve environmental cleanliness and good health.

He noted that the National Cleansing Day is purely voluntary and not motivated by any political or populist motives, urging all Gambians to fully partake in the endeavour  in the interest of the country.

He however said that government will fully enforce the environmental regulations in place to deter the indiscriminate dumping of waste in public places, calling on Gambians to adopt positive attitudes towards their surroundings and also nurture the sense of nationalism which was inherent in the early days of independence.The President also visited Abuko Livestock market where he encouraged all the people at the Darral to ensure a clean and healthy environment within and outside the permeter of the compound.