SOEs Trained on Performance Contracts Management

By Ebrima S Jallow

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MoFEA) recently conducted a two-day training on performance contracts management for State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The session brought together the SOEs that are on performance contracts with the government this year (GPA, GNPC, SSHFC, and GRA) and those to be piloted next year (NFSPMC and GIA).

Held at Senegambia Hotel, the initiative  was geared towards enhancing the performances of SOEs in The Gambia.

Participants were taken through the description of the performance contract, experiences on SOE performance, the importance of legal and regulatory framework, the importance of investment plans and budgeting for technology and equipment, and environmental and social management systems among other things.

To ensure effective deliberation and understanding of the modules, participants were grouped according to their sectors to deal with assigned scenarios: reflection on their Boards, reading of their balance sheet, reflection on their investment plan and budget process, and working on their monitoring and evaluation templates.