Sports Ministry Commits to Building Sporting Infrastructure in Major Towns

By Lamarana S. Jallow


The Minister of Youth and Sports Bakary Y. Badjie, has said that through the Ministry’s ‘Excellence in Sports’ mission, it is their intention to build sporting infrastructure in most major towns in The Gambia.

The Youth and Sports minister said this recently while taking on questions by lawmakers of The Gambia regarding his ministry’s plans for youths and sports development in the country.

When talked to about the need the Bansang football field upgrade, the minister said part of the plan but was quick to point out that only funds are available.

He informed that currently the Janjanbureh mini stadium is getting to completion and that it is their hope that once completed the football field will serve the whole of CRR South.

However, he said this is hindered by the limited annual budgetary allocation to the Ministry.

He said it is part of the excellence in sports mission, their intention is to build sporting infrastructure in most major towns in The Gambia, including Bansang. However, he said this is hindered by the limited annual budgetary allocation to the Ministry.

On the issue of plans to build a mini stadium in Kerewan for the youths of Lower Baddibu and beyond, the Minister said there is currently no plans to construct a mini stadium in Kerewan but was quick to add that a countrywide assessment report identified the need for a mini stadium in the Baddibu area. This he said will be considered once funds are available.

On the issue rural-urban migration and creation of opportunities for sustainable employment, Mr.Badjie told the lawmakers that the portfolio of employment is under another Ministry but that the Youth and Sports Ministry implements numerous projects meant to minimise rural urban migration through opportunity and employment creation.

He disclosed that currently, his Ministry together with partners have either constructed or rehabilitated youth centres in rural areas, including CRR North and South, Kwinella and Pakalinding in LRR and Basse in URR.

He added that his Ministry together with the Ministry of Trade has established job centres, one of such is at Basse Youth Centre where youth could access information on opportunities, including jobs.

He said similarly, four migration centres have been open in rural areas, and they serve as safe spaces for youths.

MoYS boss said to achieve the Ministry’s mission of excellence in sports, and in line with the government’s policy of decentralisation of development projects, an initiative was taken to construct sporting facilities in six rural towns of the country. While the completions of the projects are delayed, their completion will give opportunity to rural youths to practice their trade in sports in their own localities.

He revealed that National Enterprise Development Initiative is also training young rural Gambians on business and entrepreneurship.

With regards to plans to complete the mini stadia under construction across the country, the Youth and Sports Minister said the mini stadium in Kiang Manduar has been completed and will be handed over to the community in December, 2022.The ones in Bwiam, Kafuta and Diabougu are almost at the completion stage. The facility in Janjanbureh is 80% completed as per consultant’s last report.

He further told the lawmakers that while he is not able to state when they will be fully completed, the ministry is still waiting for legal advice from the Attorney General Chambers on the termination of contract or otherwise as all contractors have failed in their terms, and they are no longer giving them any extension.

When the lawmaker for Jeshwang Constituency asked about plans to fence the football fields in Kanifing Estate and Ebo Town for the youth of these communities, Mr. Badjie said EboTown football field cannot be fenced due to its location. He said the field is surrounded by private compounds, and three sides are also access roads to people’s gates, a school and user road.

He said fencing the field will block these dwellings. However, he noted that  the ministry is aware of the condition of the football field and has taken steps to support the community with funds to backfill the ground and create some form of restrictions so that commercial vehicles will no longer enter the field.

In the case of Kanifing Estate, there is no formal request from the community and therefore no official plans to fence the football field.