Fisheries Ministry Engages Stakeholders on Groundwater Protection

By Modou Kanteh

The Department of Water Resources under the Ministry of Fisheries Water Resources and National Assembly Matters (MoFWR-NAMs) recently held a day’s consultative meeting with stakeholders at the Ocean Bay Hotel in Bakau, with the aim of strengthening the protection of groundwater and integrated water quality management in The Gambia.

The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Fisheries Water Resources and National Assembly Matters expressed the Ministry’s commitment to the water sector reform which was proposed since 2014. He said the draft reform bill was recently updated for enactment. He reiterated their determination to continue to take proactive steps to strengthen the regulatory framework to safeguard water resources.

He said the institutions and entities entrusted with the water management and regulations will be empowered with legal authority as well as the technical and administrative instruments to manage the resources in a sustainable and integrated approach in order to meet the basic needs, but also conserve and preserve it for the future generations yet to be born.

Fanta BS. Manneh, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Technical, underscored the need to improve equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water across the country.

Mr. Yusupha Ngum, Director General of Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) assured that his institution would continue to partner with key institutions to progressively participate in the reform process of the water sector. He said the authority has a plan to develop more regulatory tools; build capacity of its staff and strengthen partnership for better governance, both locally and with international partners.

Director of Public Health, Dr. Buba Manjang stated that the new agenda 2030 has water and sanitation at its core, as linked to goals relating to health, food security, climate change resilience, to disasters and ecosystem.

He pointed out that reaching the ambitious objectives of the 2030 agenda demands that The Gambia safely manage drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services along with issues of quality and supply with improved water management to protect ecosystems and build The Gambia’s resiliency.