My Colleague Ministers here present

World Bank Country Representative

Representative of our International donor partners

Senior Government Officials

Members of the Press

Ladies and Gentlemen

All other protocols duly and respectfully observed


It is with great honour and pleasure that I stand before you to deliver the keynote address of this very important forum which marks the launching of the World Bank Country Partnership Framework (CFP). The CFP framework is quite apt as the three focus areas it seeks to address resonates well with government’s policy to build a modern accountable state based on the foundations of democracy, good governance, respect for human rights and security and prosperity for all as outlined in the NDP 2018-2021.


This policy decision is driven by a strong conviction that good governance, accountability, transparency and inclusive growth are catalyst for achieving greater accountability of government towards its people, greater transparency of state institutions in their handling of public finances, and promote active participation of citizens in development processes that affect their well-being, or meaningful inclusion of disadvantaged groups in socio-economic life.


Distinguish ladies and gentlemen,

The Government of The Gambia, cognisant of the important role the three World Bank Country Partnership Framework principles play in strengthening the county’s socio-economic development, has developed strategies to strengthen our democracy. 


Key amongst these strategies is the strong political will of all the three arms of government; the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary, in nurturing the principles of democracy and the rule of law in our governance system and architecture. 


This is manifested in the strong oversight functions the National Assembly plays in scrutinising the use and management of public funds, and establishing robust laws to enhance the country’s democratisation process. 


Equally, the level of independence and autonomy recently being manifested by the Judiciary in executing its mandate to the extent of ruling against the Executive, marks the beginning of the formation of strong oversight institutions to champion human rights and the rule of law. This is further re-enforced by the existence of the National Audit Office, mandated to audit public finances and also publish its audit report for the consumption of the general public.


Distinguish ladies and gentlemen,

The enactment of the IC Amendment Act 2022, amended repressive clauses in the IC Act, 2009, thus, to a large extent, enhancing press freedom and freedom of expression, which are fundamental pillars in nurturing democracy and good governance. This action not only confirms Government’s commitment to good governance but shows its resolve in creating the enabling environment to allow its citizens to express their views on how public funds and resources are managed. Similarly, the establishment of the Human Rights Commission provides mechanisms to enhance government’s compliance in safe guarding its citizen’s fundamental human rights.


Moreso, the ongoing security sector reforms will engender public confidence in our security services but also make our security institutions to be more responsive and accountable to the citizens.


Besides, the issuance of television broadcasting license to five private TV companies, and license to thirty (30) commercial radios, nine (9) community radios, and two (2) educational radio stations by the current Government, not only provide the platform for Gambians to express their views but also encourage dialogue between public officials on the use and management of state resources. These, as you may be aware, augurs well with the principles of citizen engagement and empowerment.


In addition, the Enactment of the Access to Information Act in October, 2021, sets in motion efforts aim at making the in Government more accountable to the citizenry by making it mandatory for Government to provide timely and credible information on its activities or engagements to the general public thereby ensuring transparent flow of information. Therefore, to ensure the smooth implementation of this Act, Government through the Ministry of Information, is in the process of developing the necessary structures, processes and regulations to support timely implementation of the Act.


The tabling of the Anti-Corruption Bill before the National Assembly in 2021 also affirms Government’s commitment to fighting corruption.


In a similar footing, the establishment of the Ministry of Gender, the Social Protection Secretariat, the youth empowerment project and the pending Disability Bill at the National Assembly, are measures geared towards empowering women, youths, the differently abled and the poorest of the poor, to effectively participate in the development of the country.


Distinguish ladies and gentlemen,

Despite these remarkable achievements, it is important to note there is a lot more to be done in entrenching good governance in The Gambia due to inherent challenges ranging from limited human and financial resources, weak public institutions, cultural barriers, to limited understanding of citizens of governance issues. Therefore, to address these challenges, government will continue to work with our international donor partners such as World Bank, EU, UNDP, UNICEF, to name a few, in these endeavor. In this regard, please allow me to seize this opportunity to, on behalf of His Excellency the President of the Republic, and by extension, the entire government, to assure you of our commitment to collaborate with the World Bank to effectively implement the Country Partnership Framework.


Also, aware of the pivotal role ICTs play in not only enhancing public service delivery but in strengthening the fight against corruption, government has through Critical Enabler 5: of the NDP, commit to “Making The Gambia into a Digital Nation and creating a modern information society”. To achieve this huge goal, government through the Ministry of Communication and Digital Economy (MOCDE), has developed the ICT for Development Policy 2018-2028, which envisions improving the quality of life and socio-economic status of Gambians by developing and deploying ICTs in all sectors of the economy.


To this end, to following strategies have been developed to support the achievement of the priority arrears of the NDP:

• E-Agriculture Strategy

• Broadband Strategy

• E-Health Strategy

• Human Capital Development Strategy

• Technology Enabled Education and STI Strategy

• Cyber Security Strategy

• Youth and Women Development Strategy

• Promoting Tech. Driven Social and Community Services Strategy

• Technology Neutral Regulation Strategy


Furthermore, to improve efficiency and effectiveness in public service delivery, the government through a World Bank funded Project under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, is in the process of digitising revenue collection and public procurement systems.


Furthermore, the e-government Strategy 2020-2024 has been formulated to facilitate the deployment of ICTs in government procedures and processes. This Strategy, if implemented as planned, will to a certain degree, minimize corruption in public service by limiting direct contact between public officials and their customers. To this end, I wish to seize this opportunity to appeal for support from World Bank to prioritise the implementation of the e-government Strategy 2020-2024 in the Country Partnership Framework.


Similarly, I humbly solicit support from World Bank and other partners here present, in achieving the country’s digital agenda as it is the surest way of making government more accountable to its citizens and achieving sustained economic growth for the country.


Distinguish ladies and gentlemen,

In concluding, please allow me on behalf of Government and People of The Gambia, and my own behalf, to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to World Bank for this laudable initiative. I have no doubt that World Bank Country Partnership Framework will support government in achieving its quest to enhance and nurture its new found democracy, accountability and transparency for greater citizens participation, to enhance  inclusion and sustained economic growth of the country.


In this regard, I wish to reaffirm government’s commitment to collaborate with World Bank to ensure the successful implementation of the Country Partnership Framework. On that note it is an honor to declare ever formally opened.  


Thank you.


Source: The Gambia News Agency (GAMNA)