NATCOM-UNESCO Sensitises Councils on Behavioural Change Towards Envt’l Sanitation

By Awa DK Conteh

The National Commission for the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (NATCOM UNESCO) with support from the Islamic World  Educational and Scientific Cultural Organisation (ICESCO) has organ ised sensitisation and management training for local authorities and women, with focus on culture and attitudinal change towards environmental sanitation. The training, held at the Brikama Area Council, is part of the “Culture as a vehicle for social change on environmental sanitation” project.

The sensitisation on environmental sanitation for local authorities 15th to 16th and 17th to 18th at Brikama Area Council.

Speaking to Gambia Daily, Maimuna Sidibeh the acting Secretary General of NATCOM UNESCO revealed that the focus of the project is on Islamic law in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication in Islamic countries.

The aim of the sensitisation is to engage local authorities, women and youths in advocacy and raise aware ness of existing laws and policies governing the proper upkeep of our environment.

She informed that the training is part of a series of activities that are to be implemented within the municipality

The project, Ms Sidibeh went on, will implement four to five activities in partnership with relevant stakeholders who are also in the business of environmental sanitation like KMC and others. “It targets about 25 councilors as well as supervisors in each of these municipalities, as well as sensitization  at market level”.

She said it will involve developing messages in the local languages that are mostly spoken in our local settings through short drama and poetry.

Kajali Janet, the CEO of Kanifing  Municipal Council, stated that the training could not have come at a better time; at the time Cop 27 is under in Egypt.

Modou Jonga, the CEO of Brikama     Area Council said the project will serve as an opportunity for attitudinal change, and enhance a positive mindset on environmental sanitation and management while promoting traditional and cultural values.