US Ambassador Briefs Defence Mininster on the Impending Arrival of Coast Guard’s Vessel

By Fatou Sowe


The Honorable Minister of Defense, Sering Modou Njie received in audience the Ambassador of the United States of America to The Gambia, Sharon L. Cromer at the ministry in Banjul. Ambassador Croner was accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Sam Kunst and Lieutenant Commander Kyle E. Durrant.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Mrs. Rohie Bittaye Darboe welcomed the Ambassador and delegation and expressed appreciation for the visit. She further highlighted significant areas of intervention such as capacity building programs among others.

The US Ambassador to The Gambia stated that the visit is an opportunity to inform Defence Officials regarding the scheduled visit of the US Coast Guard Vessel expected to arrive in the country shortly. The vessel according to Ambassador Cromer will arrive in the shores of The Gambia on a Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership Operations.

Hon. Sering Modou Njie acknowledged the significance of the visit describing it as timely. He highlighted the importance of the mutual relationship between the two countries, alluding to the strong bilateral ties shared.

He went on to make reference to the numerous interventions and support of the US Government to The Gambia Armed Forces in line with capacity building programs and trainings.

Other speakers also deliberated on the significance of areas of capacity building programs, Defense partnership and cooperation between the Government of the Republic of The Gambia and the United States of America.