Finance, Gender, Works and Higher Education Ministers Inspect UTG Faraba Campus

By Ebrima S. Jallow

The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Hon. Seedy K.M. Keita accompanied by the Minister of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology, Hon. Pierre Gomez; the Minister of Transport, Works and Infrastructure, Hon. Ebrima Sillah; and the Minister of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare, Hon. Fatou Kinteh  recently conducted a site visit to the University of The Gambia Faraba-Banta Campus.

The purpose of the visit was to gauge the level of progress of the construction ahead of the inauguration of the LOT 1 component, which comprises of the Schools of Education, Business and Public Administration, Arts and Sciences, and Information and Technology.

Work is smoothly ongoing, but the contractor has complained of a delay in payment, which the Finance Minister promised to deal with as soon as possible to avoid any excuses against the target deadline for inauguration.