Gambia Weathered Pandemic Crisis Better than Others - Says President, at ‘Tekkii Fii’ Closure

While launching the new National Employment Policy and Action

Plan 2022 -2026, President Adama Barrow had the added responsibility to preside over the official closure of the Tekki Fii Programme on Friday, November 18th 2022 at the Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre, Bijilo.

The Tekki Fii Programme aims to improve economic development and future prospects for The Gambia’s youth, including returning migrants, by promoting attractive employment and income opportunities. In his address, President Barrow said: “There is no doubt that we have made important gains since 2017, and the results of the Tekki Fii Programme clearly manifest this. The stories and results associated with it are indeed inspiring. Among other things, they give us renewed hope and strengthen our faith in the youth and the nation,” he stated.

Commenting on the global challenges, the President said our recovery from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic is not only slow but also further frustrated by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and that like other countries The Gambia is vulnerable to external shocks.

Nonetheless, he pointed out that the country weathered the pandemic crisis better than other countries, despite the effects of the global shocks continue to dampen the country’s recovery and growth outlook. “My government is determined to fight

all out to reduce the impact of these shocks. Primarily, our focus is to offer support and soften the heavy economic burden on the most vulnerable citizens. For such reasons, shock of the COVID-19 pandemic is not only slow, but also further frustrated by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and that like other countries The Gambia is vulnerable to external shocks.

Nonetheless, he pointed out that the country weathered the pandemic crisis bet- ter than other countries, despite the effects of the global shocks continue to dampen the country’s recovery and growth outlook. “My government is determined to fight all out to reduce the impact of these shocks. Primarily, our focus is to offer support and soften the heavy economic burden on the most vulnerable citizens. For such reasons, we subsidise essential commodities and pro- vide cash transfers to those in need through our social protection programmes”.

Further on the achievements of Tekki Fii, President Barrow reported that through the Programme, his government created and sustained more than nine thousand (9000) jobs, enabled more than seven thou- sand (7000) young Gambians to undergo skills training, and worked with close to five thousand (5000) small businesses.

“These results are offshoots of my government’s youth centred and private sector-led growth agenda. They reflect our drive to invest in the marketable skills of young Gambians, foster a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and self- employment, boost the growth of small businesses, and add value to Gambian products and services”.

He, therefore, applauded their close and long-standing partnership with the European Union and the Tekki Fii Imple menting Partners, the International Trade Centre implementing the Youth Empow erment Project, the German Agency for International Cooperation, the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr from Portugal, and the Belgian Development Agency, Enabel.

 For his part, Mr ,Corrado Papaloni, Ambassador of the European Union to The Gambia assured that the EU remains committed to the strong partnership with Gambia  as evidenced in their new partnership framework - for the next 7 years The Deputy Executive Director of the International Trade Centre, Ms Dorothy Tembo, thanked their partners for the excellent cooperation and support that made the Tekki Fii programme successful.