The Union of “Islamic Cooperation” News Agencies calls for support for Palestinian media institutions.

Jeddah (UNA) - The Union of News Agencies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (UNA) called on the media in Islamic countries to support the Palestinian media in its efforts to expose the violations of the Israeli occupation and enable the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights, foremost of which is the establishment of their independent state.

This came in a statement issued by the Federation on the occasion of the “Global Solidarity with the Palestinian Media” day, which falls on May 11 of each year, and which comes in implementation of the decision of the Council of Arab Information Ministers during its 52nd session held in September 2022 in Cairo.

The Federation stressed that this anniversary, which coincides with the assassination of the martyred Palestinian journalist Sherine Abu Aqleh, represents an important occasion to shed light on Israel's targeting of Palestinian journalists as part of its attempts to cover up its ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people.

The Union commended the high professional efforts made by the official media institutions in Palestine, led by the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA), to convey the true picture of what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territory, calling on member states to enhance news exchange with these institutions, in a way that guarantees the dissemination of the Palestinian version of events. And counter the Israeli propaganda machine.

Source: Union of OIC News Agency